
The Second Spanish Republic

  • The Pact of San Sebastian

    The Pact of San Sebastian
    Reunion between socialists and republicans to overthrow the monarchy. They created a Revolutionary Committee. Many of the members were arrested.
  • Municipal elections

    Municipal elections
    The monarchists won but the republicans won in some large cities. Alfonso XIII leaves the country.
  • The proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic

    The proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic
    The republic was proclaimed. The Revolutionary Comittee becomes the Provisional Republican Government.
  • Period: to

    Reformist biennium

    Period that goes from the proclamation of the republic to the elections of november 1933.
    Niceto Alcalá Zamora was named president of the government.
    In 1932, General Sanjuro´s coup to stop the reform failed.
    In 1933, Anarchist labourers occupied the land in Casa Viejas.
  • The 1931 Constitution

    The 1931 Constitution
    They did elections to choose the drafters of the Republican Constitution. The winners were PSOE and PRR.
    They divide the power, declare civil and collective rights and made a social economy.
  • Period: to

    The Black biennium

    CEDA and PRR won the elections in November.
    Some members of PSOE made arevolution against the CEDA.
  • The Revolution of October 1934

    The Revolution of October 1934
    Striker´s movement by nationalist, anarchist and communist organisations.
    Some uprisings take place in Cataluña and Asturias.
  • The Popular Front

    The Popular Front
    New elections in February 1936.
    The lef-wing parties form the Popular Front. The support for the right-wing parties grew.
    The Popular Front won the elections. Parliament replaced Zamora with Azaña as President of the Republic.
  • The start of the civil war

    The start of the civil war
    There was a lot of tension and violence.
    On 12 July, Lieutenant Castillo was murdered, in revenge, some Castillo´s colleagues killed Calvo Sotelo.ç
    The war started on 17 July.