Alfonso proclamacion de la ii republica 1931 0

The Second Republic to the Civil War

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    The role of women during the Second Republic

    In this period nearly all the Spanish women were poorly educated, and most of them were ilitirate.Many woman worked really hard in factories and farms for very low salary, this was only one of the reasons why the suffrage movement was less developed in Spain. But in 1931 three females were elected to be part of the parliment. And from that moment the woman in Spain fought for their rights, and finally in 1933 we could see the first Spanish woman vote in the municipal legislative elections.
  • The President and Prime Minister change.

    The President and Prime Minister change.
    In December of 1931, Nicieto Alcalá Zamora became the president of the Republic, and Manuel Azaña was named prime minister.
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    The Bienio reformista

    Azaña´s government carried out a series of reforms in this period, which later became known as the Bienio Reformista. This included:
    -The Autonomy of Catalonia
    -Military reform
    -Agrarian reform
    -Labour reforms
    -Civil marriage and divorces
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    The Second Spanish Republic

    After Alfonso XIII went to exile the Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed, many individual freedoms were established, Spain become a non-confessional state with no official religion, it allowed the possibility of creating autonomous regions and the public education were promoted.
  • The coup d'état

    The coup d'état
    In August 1932, General José Sanjurjo led a failed coup d'état (golpe de estado), meanwhile the Anarchists organised uprisings and and occupied estates. There were conflicts between the Civil Guard and the peasants in Castilloblanco (Badajoz), and in Casas Viejas (Cádiz) a peasant uprising was violently repressed in 1933.
  • The Civil War, an international conflict.

    The Civil War, an international conflict.
    The British and French governments were ansious to avoid the war spreading to other countries, so they promoted a non-intervention agreement. But Hitler and Mussolini ignored the agreement and bacxked Franco without anyone knowing. Later on, both sides of the fight were appealed to international public opinion.
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    The Bienio Conservador

    Manuel Azaña resigned in September 1933, and new elections were held. The centre and right-wing parties won the elections, and the Radical Party, led by Alejandro Lerroux, formed a new government with the help of the (CEDA) Confederación Española de Derechas Autónomas. And Republican changes such as the agrarian reform, were halted or reversed during a two-year period known as the Bienio Conservado (1933-1936).
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    From Coup d'état to the Civil War

    The generals who started the coup d'état on 17-18th July 1936 thought that they could control throughout Spain very rapidly.
    But it failed to achieve a victory and the coup turned into a long and violent Civil War.
    This war was divided into two "teams":
    -Republican Spain and the "Nationalist Spain"
  • The end of the civil war

    The end of the civil war
    After the war, after all the bombings and violence against civilians, the civil war finally ended in 1939.
    The Republican troops were worn down and exhausted, and on March 28, 1939, the Nationalists troops took Madrid with no fighting. They were too tired after two years of battle. So finally the Nationalist won, leaving behind 500.000 dead people, the economy affected and displacement and exile of at least 472.000 civilians.