Percy is enjoying his happy time off from camp half blood. not a has bothered him, but when an incident game of dogeball among percy and his friends turns into an death match between him and cannibal giants tring to kill him. He journies to camp halfblood and finds that the magical boarders have been poisoned by a mystirious enemy. Percy figures that if he doesn't find a cure, the only safe haven for demigods will be destroyed. -
after the recent events, percy and his friends find out that the only possible way to cure the poison is to journy to the sea of monsters. Along the way percy is attacked by several kinds of monsters. barly excaping with his life each time. Percy is starting to wonder if being posidon's son is an honor or just a cruel joke. -
percy and his friends run into a small town resort and spa. ( the C.C.'s Spa & Resort.) They find the witch sisters (the owners). from here they ask for help and they are told they need a boat for the nether world. They travel to the nether and are in imanent danger from most of the monsters that live there but by far their biggest challenge is the syrens. Everyone (Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson Percy's half brother cyclops) but Percy (since he is the most resilient) isn't affected. -
So when they clear the syrens, they make it to Tyson's mother's island. the cyclops mother's island is flooded with demon wool from sheep. (this is why they came) after an epic battle they get out alive with the fleece and bring it back to camp halfblood and the camp is saved. All the while leaving a cliff hanger for another sequel. 270-279 is a passage from the next book.