
The Scottsboro Trials

  • The beginning

    The beginning
    In the middle of the great depression, a fight broke out on a train in Alabama when a black male stepped on the hand of a white man. Two women emerged from the train and claimed that 9 black men raped them.

    NAACP and ILD battled to defend the boys until December , and the NAACP later withdrawls
  • Jury

    The grand jury indicts all 9 Scottsboro boys.

    the NAACP withdrawls from the case.
  • Vote

    The Alabama supreme court voted 6/1 and 7 of the 9 boys were convicted, and the other two were sent to a juvenille court.
  • Ruby Bates Appears

    Ruby Bates Appears
    Ruby Bates appeared as a witness for the case, one of the women that accused them as rape, and denied the situtation and said she did not get raped.
  • Patterson

    Patterson, one of the oldest of the nine was found guilty and sentenced to death by the electric chair.
  • Callahans court

    Callahans court
    Seven of the 9 boys appeared in Callahans court. The two youngest boys appeared in the Juenville court once again.
  • Death Sentence

    Death Sentence
    Patterson and Norris,two of the blacks, were sentenced to death, but were later withdrawled.
  • Alabama

    The Alabama supreme court affirmed the convictions of Haywood and Norris.
  • The few released

    The few released
    Roy Wright, Eugene Williams , Olen Montgomery, and Willie Roberson were released and all charges were dropped.
  • Lawyers

    Two lawyers were charged with trying to pay Ruby Bates to change her opinion.
  • Conviction

    Patterson was convicted for 75 years, but died of cancer during this time.
  • refusal

    On this day, Governor Graves denies the pardon of 5 of the Scottsboro boys
  • Release

    The last of the nine was released from prison