The Scottsboro Boys

  • Trubble on the choo choo

    Trubble on the choo choo
    The Scottsboro Boys were 9 black teens who were riding on a train to go to Tennessee to find work. Unfortunetly, they never got to tennessee because 2 prostitutes went to the police and said that they were raped by 9 black teens on a train. The sheriff then went to the train with a bunch of other cops and arested the acused rapists.
  • This unfair cort is now in session

    This unfair cort is now in session
    The first trials for the scottsboro boys did not go so well. This is because the jury was all white, the defence aturnys sucked at their jobs, and Alabama at the time was very racist. At the end of the first few trials 8 of the 9 boys were sentenced to death, while the one remaining was sentenced to life in prison.
  • The communist party

    The communist party
    The International labor defence (ILD) became the scottsboro boys new attorneys after the first few trials, because they saw this as a way to recrute people to join their party. The NAACP tried to represent the boys, but the ILD beat them to it.
  • The supream court

    The supream court
    The Alabama supreme cort afirmed all but 1 of the boys, due too him being 13 years old. The boys cases were appeald to the United States supream court, which in a 7-2 vote, ruled that there would be new trials for the scottsboro boys.
  • Prison days

    Prison days
    In between the first and second sets of trials, the scottsboro boys were sent to Kilby Prison. On the origonaly planed day of there execution the boys heard someone being electracuted to death in a room near the prison cells. They were eventualy moved to the Decatur jail, a horible place demed "unfit for white prisoners".
  • A new set of trials

    A new set of trials
    During the second set of trials, Victoria Price, one of the women who said the sbb raped them, said to the court that she made up the gang rape to so that the police would not find out about her being a prostatute. The doctor who examend her said that she was not raped by the sbb.
  • The conclution

    The conclution
    After several trials, the sbb were eventualy found guilty. 7 of the 9 boys were held in jail for over 6 years without trial. Eventualy a few of them were paroled, while the others escaped jail. History will never forget the scottsboro boys, or all that they went through.