The Scientific Revolution

  • 1500

    Beginning of the Scientific Revolution

    In the beginning of the 1500s people started to question the ways and the ideas of the people before them and the churches ideas this was when the Scientific Revolution started.
  • 1543

    Heliocentric Theory

    Heliocentric Theory
    Nicolaus Copernicus came up with the theory that the stars, Earth and other planets revolved around the sun.
  • 1543

    Discovery of the Human Anatomy

    Despite the disapproval of his practices Andreas Vesalius decided to dissect human corpse to find out if any parts of the body are different then another animal. And with his research he found that there were some differences with the new information he published the information of the Human Anatomy.
  • Microscope Invented

    Microscope Invented
    Zacharias Janssen created the first microscope, helping to further advance the scientific world and open a new path for other scientist to follow.
  • Period: to

    Scientific Method

    The Scientific Method was a developed process that was used to test ideas and gather evidence for discoveries.
  • Law of Motion

    Galileo was able to develop the idea that all things will fall at the same weight no matter the size. Galileo experimented by dropping two different sized stones and recording the time of each both times were the same.
  • Boyle’s Law

    Before Boyle's Law people thought the earth consisted on four different elements; earth, air, fire, and water. Boyle discovered they were much smaller particles that included gas, liquid and solids.
  • Law of Gravity

    Law of Gravity
    Isaac Newton developed the idea that every object in the universe attracts every other object. Depending on mass of object determined on how much it attracted other objects.
  • Thermometer Invented

    Thermometer Invented
    In 1714 Gabriel Fahrenheit created a thermometer with mercury by making this Fahrenheit discovered that water froze at 32 Fahrenheit.
  • Period: to

    First Vaccination

    In the late 1700s scientist Edward Jenner introduced a vaccine to prevent small pox. Jenner took cowpox a much milder disease and used inoculation to combat the small pox it ended up working and gave permanent protection from the disease.