Copernicus proposes a heliocentric view
Suleyman I dies
Jamestown is founded
Galileo backs up Copernicus' view
The First Africans arrive as slaves...
...eventually 50 million would become slaves. -
Galileo is Condemned
Machus invade Korea
First daily newspaper printed in London
The United Kingdom of Great Britain is formed
Period: to
Reign of Frederick I
Start of the Hanoverian dynasty
Period: to
Robert Walpole serves as Prime Minister
Period: to
War of Austrian Succession
Period: to
Reign of Maria Theresa
Period: to
Reign of Frederick II
Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle
Period: to
Publication of the Encyclopedia
The Lisbon Earthquake
Diplomatic Revolution
Period: to
The Seven Years War
Period: to
Reign of Catherine II
The Treaty of Paris...
...forced France to give up almost all of its colonies to Great Britain. It ended the Seven Years War. -
Adam Smith promotes laissez-faire in The Wealth of Nations
The Declaration of Indedepence
Automation begins
Period: to
Reign of Joseph II
General Cornwallis surrenders...
...to George Washington at Yorktown. -
The Treaty of Paris...
...recognized the independence of the American colonies. -
The French Revolution
Rule of Emperor Qianlong ends