Jan 1, 1200
Roger Bacon Viewed as leading scholar of his time
Roger Bacon became one of the people to first use the scientific system to study old beliefs through tests with tools -
Period: Jan 1, 1200 to
The Scientific Revolution
This is a timeline of Important events that took place during the Scientific Revolution Starting year Early 1200s Ending Years Late 1700s -
Jan 1, 1500
Science and Magic Became Different
At this time around the 1500s people started to see that Science and Magic were different, Scientist began to use new tools to study old beliefs -
Mar 26, 1500
Scientists Question Ancient Beliefs
During the Early 1500s Scientists began to use tools like observations and scientific tools to decide if ancient beliefs are true or false. -
Sep 20, 1500
Corpernicus creates his heliocentric theory
This was a theory that went against Ptolemy's Theory created in 100 AD that the Earth was the center of the Universe. Copernicus believed that the sun was the center of the Universe and created his theory. -
Sep 26, 1500
Antoni van Leeuwhenhoek Discovers Bacteria
In the late 1500s Antoni van Leeuwhenhoek used a microscope (A new tool used for studying things too small for the eye to see) and discovered Bacteria -
Jan 1, 1543
Copernicus's Sun Theory Published
Around this time Copernicus's Theory that the sun is the center of the universe rather than the earth. This wasn't a popular theory an not many believed him -
Jan 1, 1543
Vesalius Publishes Seven Volume Book On the Fabric of the Human Body
In 1543 when Vesalius could not believe past theories about the human insides he did tests and eventually made diagrams to show how the inside of a human functions. -
The Meaning of Science Changes
Before the 1600s people thought the word science meant "to know" and afterwords it became a more specific definition -
Telescope Invented
On October 2nd 1608 Galileo Galilei invented the first telescope so that he could see space and the planets, this let Galileo see that the moons of Jupiter moved around Jupiter, making him believe not all planets revolve around Earth. -
Kepler Proves the Heliocentric Theory to be Correct
Kepler studied Copernicus's Heliocentric Theory to see if he was right or not. Eventually Kepler found that the Earth moved around the Sun and published his theory in 1609. -
Francis Bacon creates Physical Experiments
In 1620 Bacon decided that no theory could be true unless it was proved through multiple physical tests. He relied on demonstrations rather than ideas and wrote Novum Organum to talk about physical expirements -
Galileo's Findings Published
In 1632 Galileo published his theories on what he found with the telescope. He proved the Geocentric theory to be wrong since he saw Jupiter's moons circling around Jupiter meaning not all planets circled around Earth. -
Rene Descartes Invents method of questioning.
In 1637 Rene Descartes said that no theory should be viewed as correct until proved through questions. He said that only ideas that could be proven should be accepted. He created the new way to question theories which was "I think, therefore I am" -
Isaac Newton publishes his book on the Heliocentric Theory.
In 1687 Isaac Newton created a book that showed the planets revolving around the sun, though the book showed this, current scientists didn't know what caused them to move like this -
Newton Discovers Planetary Movement
Around 1687 Newton did many tests to figure out why the planets moved around the sun. He found that the sun pulls them in just like gravity on pulls us in on Earth -
Oxygen discovered
In 1774 Scientist Joseph Priestley found Oxygen, and it was named by Antoine Lasoisier