Nov 1, 1543
Coperincus & Heliocentric Theory
Nicolaus Copernicus' Heliocentric Theory reasoned the Sun as the center of the solar system. The Earth, other planets and stars then revolved around the Sun. -
Sep 26, 1581
Galileo's Law of Pendulum
Galileo begins his studies in which further define his Law of Pendulum. -
Johannes Kepler
Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion are published. -
Galileo's Telescope
Galileo builds his own telescope to study the heavens and discovers the moon's surface is rough. -
Bacon's Novum Organum
Francis Bacon's Novum Organum was published with his Baconian Method that set the stage for the Scientific Method. -
Newton's Law of Gravity
Newton's Law of Gravity published explaining how physical laws govern motion.