The Salesian Timeline

  • Period: 1545 to 1563

    Council of Trent

  • Aug 21, 1567

    The Birth of Francis de Sales

  • Jan 23, 1572

    The Birth of St. Jane

  • St. Francis De Sales becomes a priest

  • The met of St. Francis and St. Jane

  • The Founded Day of Visitation Sisters

  • St. Jane becomes a Visitation Sisters

  • The Feast Day of Francis

  • The Death of St. Francis

  • The Death of St. Jane

  • The Birth of St. Margaret

  • St. Margaret joines the Visitation Community

  • St. Margaret has the vision of Jesus’s scared heart

  • The Feast Day of St. Jane

  • The Birth of Mother Mary

  • Mother Mary Entered Visitation Community

  • The Birth of Fr. Brisson

  • Fr. Brisson becomes a diocesan priest

  • The Birth of St. Leonie

  • The Founded Day of Oblates Sisters

  • The Death of Mother Mary

  • The Feast Day of Mother Mary

  • Fr. Brisson becomes first Oblates

  • The Death of Fr. Brisson

  • The Death of St. Leonie

  • The Feast Day of St. Margaret

  • The Seven Visitation Martyrs pray for killer

  • The Feast Day of The Seven Visitation Martyrs

  • The Feast Day of St. Leonie