
The Russian Revolution and Animal Farm Timeline

  • Protest For Food Shortage

    Protest For Food Shortage
    Many people were protesting against the food shortages and the war that was going on.
  • Animal Farm: Food Shortage

    Animal Farm: Food Shortage
    Animals suffer from hunger after farm harvest declines.
  • Tsar Nicholas II

    Tsar Nicholas II
    Tsar Nicholas II and his son resign from the political party
  • Animal Farm: Farmer Jones

    Animal Farm: Farmer Jones
    The animals driven Jones out of the farm
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    The October Revolution is where the Bolsheviks taken over Petrograd.
  • Animal Farm: Snowball takes control

    Animal Farm: Snowball takes control
    Snowball takes control and defeats Jones at the Battle of the Cowshed.
  • Democratic Labour Party change names

    Democratic Labour Party change names
    The Russian Social Democratic Labour Party change their names to the Russian Communist Party
  • Animal Farm: Renaming the farm

    Animal Farm: Renaming the farm
    Snowball renamed the farm "Animal Farm"
  • Lenin's Retirement

    Lenin's Retirement
    Lenin suffers from a stroke and retires from the politics
  • Lenin's death

    Lenin's death
    Lenin dies and Stalin is given the position of successor
  • The Battle for Power

    The Battle for Power
    Stalin and Trotsky compete against each other for the power .
  • Animal Farm: Battle for Power

    Animal Farm: Battle for Power
    In the story, Napoleon and Snowball compete for the power for the farm.
  • Animal Farm: Snowball goes into exile

    Animal Farm: Snowball goes into exile
    Napoleon uses the dogs to drive Snowball out of the farm which forces him to go exile and give up his power in the farm.
  • Trotsky dethrones his position

    Trotsky dethrones his position
    Trotsky dethroned his position and goes into exile and Stalin gets the control of the political party
  • Animal Farm: Agreement deal

    Animal Farm: Agreement deal
    The animals and Frederick made an agreement.
  • Non-Aggression Pact

    Non-Aggression Pact
    Stalin and Hitler sign a non-aggression pact.
  • Invasion of Sovient Union

    Invasion of Sovient Union
    Germans invade Soviet Union, but the Russians stop the Germans before it happened but suffered many losses
  • Animal Farm: The Invasion of the Animal Farm

    Animal Farm: The Invasion of the Animal Farm
    The human team, led by Frederick, capture the farm and destroy the windmill.
  • The Secret Police

    The Secret Police
    Stalin sent out the police and asked them to do whatever is possible no matter how cruel it was.
  • Animal Farm: Napoleon's Dogs

    Animal Farm: Napoleon's Dogs
    Napoleon uses the dogs as guards and to eliminate the enemy or whoever comes in their way.
  • The Conference

    The Conference
    Stalin meets with Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill at the Tehran Conference
  • Animal Farm: The Meeting at the Dinner Table

    Animal Farm: The Meeting at the Dinner Table
    Pilkington and the other humans decide to have dinner with Napoleon