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The Russian Revolution - Ethan Ewing

  • Period: to

    The Russian Revolution

  • Reign of Czar Alexander III (1881-1894)

    Reign of Czar Alexander III (1881-1894)
    -Anti semitic, Pogrom in Russia (targeting Jews violently)
    -Nobles were promoted
    -one man rule, one man religion, one man race
    *People became unhappy/untrusting with Czar
    *Led to revolt of Bolshevik Revolution
  • Reign of Czar Nicholas II (1894-1917)

    Reign of Czar Nicholas II (1894-1917)
    -Ruled an autocracy.
    -Wanted to rule the Russian Monarchy
    -Russian people struggled economically and agriculturally
    -Created an elected legislature, Duma, he wanted a constitutional monarchy
    -NIcholas II blamed for loss of WWI
    *Disliked for wanting to rule the Russian Monarchy along with ignoring Russian problems, built up the unhappiness with Czar
  • Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)

    Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)
    -Russia and Japan in competition over Northern China territories.
    -Japan was more industrialized, they had more ground troops, and a better navy; giving Japan many advantages.
    -unrest over social conditions in Russia grew.
    *Led to Russian Revolution with unrest of social conditions along with people striking for the Czar to change Russia to a constitutional monarchy.
  • Establishment of Duma (1905)

    Establishment of Duma (1905)
    -Created because people were unhappy with Czar Nicholas wanting to rule the Russian Monarchy
    *follows Russo-Japanese War and Bloody Sunday
    *Done to improve Czar's reputation
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    -200,000 workers marched on the Czar's Winter Palace presenting him with a list of complaints and demanding relief from theri working/living conditions.
    -March turned violent after police opened fire, killing 100,000 people and injuring 3000.
    *Russian people had an uprising and a lessened belief in the government (why he created Duma)
  • Russia's Participation in WWI (1914-1918)

    Russia's Participation in WWI (1914-1918)
    -Russia joined WWI as alliance Central Powers where they lost.
    *Russian people blamed the Czar for the alliance of WWI and the loss.
  • Death of Rasputin (1916)

    Death of Rasputin (1916)
    -Uneducated peasant, exorcist, healer, mystic
    -He helped heal Alexandra, the Czar's wife, son of his hemophilia. The boy was the only heir to the throne.
    -Russian People turned against Rasputin after rumors spread that he convinced the Czar's wife to replace ministers with incompetent friends of Rasputin
    -Was later killed by being thrown in a river
    *Heavily disliked by nobles
  • Abdication of Czar Nicholas II/Establishment of Provisional Gov't

    Abdication of Czar Nicholas II/Establishment of Provisional Gov't
    -Newspaper sent around bashing the Czar and promoting Lenin's ideas.
    -Czar stepped down and the provisional gov't was put in.
    -Provisional Gov't was unpopular after refusing to end Russia's involvement in WWI or to promote reforms like redistributing land.
    *It was overthrown by Bolsheviks, leading to Bolshevik Revolution
  • Bolshevik Revolution (1917-1920)

    Bolshevik Revolution (1917-1920)
    -Bolsheviks gain control of Russian Gov't
    -Redistribute farmland to peasants; turn factories over to workers
    -Ended involvement in WWI
    -Cheka created, Secret police that targeted enemies of the Bolsheviks
    *Many people died throughout Revolution
  • Civil War (1918-1920)

    Civil War (1918-1920)
    -Foreign countries involved in war
    -Red Army-Bolsheviks, led by Leon Trotsky against White Army
    *Russia had a loss in their food supply nand 3 million died.
  • Establishment of USSR (1922)

    Establishment of USSR (1922)
    -Self-governing republics discourage nationalism
    -Communist (former Bolshevik) Party holds all the power, not true communism
    -Soviet Union will exist until 1991
    *Gives all power to Stalin and his Communist Party
  • Stalin's Rise to Power (1922-1927)

    Stalin's Rise to Power (1922-1927)
    -Manipulates his way into power despite Lenin’s concerns
    -By 1928, Stalin is in total command of Communist Party
    -Has Trotsky exiled in 1929, later killed in Mexico
    *Stalin later becomes dictator of the Soviet Union
  • Lenin's Death (1924)

    Lenin's Death (1924)
    -Died of a stroke
    -Leon Trotsky (Red Army Commander) vs. Joseph Stalin
    *Sets up competition over his replacement and future conflict
  • Leon Trotsky's Exile (1929)

    Leon Trotsky's Exile (1929)
    -Exiled by Joseph Stalin because of Stalin's insecurity of him
    -Later killed while exiled in Mexico
    *Gives total command of Communist Party to Stalin