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The Russian Revolution

  • The Russian Revolution begins

    The Russian Revolution begins
    The Russian Revolution begins beacuse of creulty of the tzar Nicholas II. The people against socialism were called the red army
  • The first battles

    The first battles
    The first battles between the red army and the people against communism broke out.
  • Soviet Union forms

    Soviet Union forms
    Once the anti-communists got rid of the tzar, the bolsheviks came into power and established the Soviet Union in 1922 Also known as the U.S.S.R
  • Lenin dies

    Lenin dies
    Lenin dies in 1924 shortly after a attempted assasination on him in 1918. He wan't killed by the assasination but was severly injured and never fully recovered. He also suffered a bad stroke in 1922 before his death.
  • Stalin the sucessor

    Stalin the sucessor
    Stalin comes in to office, as lenin's sucessor. Trotsky and Lenin were political enemies and the USSR didn't really have a leader untill Stalin won in 1929.
  • Stalin struggles

    Stalin struggles
    Hitler's attack on the U.S.S.R was a bad time for Russia because Stalin was un-prepared.
  • The Cold War begins

    The Cold War begins
    A cold war between the U.S and U.S.S.R begins. It was called a cold war because no physical attack was made. It was a time of constant disagreements between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.
  • Stalin dies

    Stalin dies
    Stalin comes out of power when he dies in 1953. he died of mainly natural causes. His sucessor was Georgi Malenkov.
  • Cuban Missle crisis

    Cuban Missle crisis
    In 1962 Cuba agreed to store a missles for the Soviet Union. The missles were being stored in Cuba so if the Soviet wanted to launch a missle at us it would be easier. JFK stopped this by creating a blockade around Cuba cutting off their trade routes. This caused the Soviet Union to take back their missles. This averted nuclear war.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev

    Mikhail Gorbachev
    Mikhail Gorbachev comes into power and gives the people more rights. Such as glasnost meaning openess. Glastnost allowed the people to say what they felt. Also had perestroika which gave factory managers more freedom in economic decisions.
  • Failed coup

    Failed coup
    In August 1991 a govenment overthrow by the military known as a coup. The coup was attemted during Gorbachev's time of power.
  • The Soviet falls

    The Soviet falls
    The Soviet Union ends on December 26, 1991. Gorbachov thought that the people deserved more freedoms, and held elections and put a end to communism.