Crowd vladimir ilyich lenin russ

The Russian Revolution

  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    What started as a peaceful protest, led to the Tsar's troops opening fire on the crowd, resulting in thirteen people's deaths and national outrage.
  • Outbreak of World War 1

    Outbreak of World War 1
    Through Russian involvement in the war, the Tsarist regime was only more heavily scrutinized because of the weakened economy and mass death that occurred.
  • February Revolution

    February Revolution
    The February Revolution was a successful attempt to overthrow Tsar Nicholas II. Through initial protest that escalated into violence, the provisional government was created.
  • Lenin Returns to Russia

    Lenin Returns to Russia
    The leader of the Bolshevik Party, Vladimir Lenin, returns to Russia following the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, and his previous exile in Switzerland.
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    The October Revolution was an event where the Bolsheviks, led by newly returned leader Lenin, seized the capital of Russia at the time, Petrograd, overthrew the weak Provisional Government, and established the Soviet Union.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Russian Civil War was the breakout of war between two sides, the Bolshevik Red Army, led by Lenin, and the Anti-Bolshevik White Army, with multiple leaders.
  • Treaty of Brest-Livosk

    Treaty of Brest-Livosk
    In March, during the height of the civil war, the Bolshevik government made a deal with Germany to withdraw Russia from the war, with the premise that Russia must cede mass territory to the Germans.
  • Formation of the Soviet Union

    Formation of the Soviet Union
    Now that the civil war was over, the Bolsheviks had free reign to consolidate power and formally establish the state of the Soviet Union.