Pages 1-41 Chapters 1-5
Between these pages it talks about how turpac was born on June 16, 1971 in Brooklyn, NY, Tupac Shakur moved to California. As a teenager, Shakur attended the Baltimore School for the Arts, where he took acting and dance classes, including ballet. -
Pages 42-104 chapters 5-11
In 1991, Shakur emerged as a solo artist using the name 2Pac. With his first album released, he got on the top 10 billboard list for best songs -
43-153 chapters 11-17
Tupac was getting heard areound the USA, but then on September 7th, 1996 Lesane "Tupac Shakur" Parish Crooks was murdered by his recordign maneger ShugNight. Tupac is always remember and people are still out there listening ot his music.
Rest In Peace Tupac