The Romantic Age

By Ponza
  • George III comes to the throne

    George III comes to the throne
  • James watt invents a condenser for the new steam engine

  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    At the Boston Tea Party some rebels , dressed as Native Americans,threw the British tea coming from another part of the british empire ( India ) into the harbour.
  • Period: to

    American war of independence

  • American Declaration of Independece thanks Thomas Jefferson

    American Declaration of Independece thanks Thomas Jefferson
    on 4th July 1776 in Philadelphia, the Congress, made by the representatives from 13 of the colonies, signed the Declaration of Independence, largely written by Thomas Jefferson , a lawyer from Virginia .
  • William Pitt the Younger is appointed Prime Minister

    William Pitt the Younger is appointed Prime Minister
    Pitt followed the theory of laissez - faire illustrated by Adam Smith in " The wealth of Nations " (1776). Smith was a Scottish philosofer and economist and he is regarded as the father of " classical economics" thanks his theory of laissez- faire.
  • George Washington becomes the first president of the united states of america

    George Washington becomes the first president of the united states of america
  • Period: to

    Britain war with revolutionary France

  • Act of union with Ireland

    in 1801 the Act of Uion joined Ireland and Britain to form the new United of Kingdom.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
  • Period: to

    George IV is made prince Regent because of George III's illness

  • Period: to

    Luddite riots

  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
  • Paterloo massacre

  • Trade unions are legalised

  • Metropolitan police force is established

  • William IV comes to the throne

    William IV comes to the throne
  • The Great Reform Act extends the vote to almost all male members of the middle classes

  • Britain abolishes slavery

  • Accession of Queen Victoria

    Accession of Queen Victoria