The Romanov Timeline

  • Anastasiya's birth

  • Leonid's birth

  • Acellus' birth

  • WWI begins

  • Romanov assassination

  • Remaining Romanovs arrive in Italy

  • WWI ends

  • Rasputin dies

  • Leonid and Serena become romantic

  • Acellus triggers curse, dies, and is turned

  • Anastasiya triggers wolf curse

  • Anastasiya's death and turning

  • Genevieve's death and turning

  • Serena's death and turning

  • Leonid's death and turning

  • Acellus and Adelina meet

  • WWII begins

  • Andrei is born

  • #Acelina announces engagement and pregnancy

  • Adelina's death and turning; baby dies

  • Romanovs chased away from Italy by Mikhail

  • Romanovs settle in Germany

  • Anastasiya adopts Andrei

  • WWII ends

  • Romanovs move to America

  • Nikolai International begins in California

  • Romanov Vineyard begins

  • Andrei's death and turning

  • The Winter Palace II is bought in Washington