Chapter 17

  • Airline industry

    Airline industry
    In Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville made the first crewed, powered flight in history with the Write brother's flying the plane.
  • Ford assembly lines

    Ford assembly lines
    Assembly lines divided operations into simple tasks and cut unessesary motion to a minimum.
  • Higher Wages

    Higher Wages
    Ford increased their workers' wages to $5 a day which is double their original pay and they only have to work 8 hour shifts.
  • Harding for president

    Harding for president
    After one year in the Senate Harding ran to be the president and won. He promised "a return of normalcy".
  • Automobile rising

    Automobile rising
    The automobile finally became an accepted part of american life.
  • The radio industry

    The radio industry
    The Westinghouse Company broadcasted the news of Harding's landslide election victory from the station KDKA which is one of the first public broadcasting in history.
  • The Sacco-Vanzetti Case

    The Sacco-Vanzetti Case
    The controversal Sacco-Vanzetti Case reflected the prejudice and fears of the era. The case created a furor when newspapers revealed that the two men where anarchists.
  • The Washington Conference

    The Washington Conference
    The conference was meant to help but instead it did nothing to limit land forces and it angered the Japanese because it required Japan to maintain a smaller Navy then the US and Great Britain.
  • Teapot Dome

    Teapot Dome
    A famous scandal that happened when Albert B. Fall secrectly allowed privtate interests to lease lands in the containing US Navy oilreserves.
  • Fordney-McCumber act

    Fordney-McCumber act
    This act raised tarrifs dramatically in an effort to protect american industries from foreign competition.
  • Calvin Coolidge takes over

    Calvin Coolidge takes over
    When Calvin ran for the Republican nomination they used the slogan "Keep Cool with Coolidge" and promised the American people that the politics that had brought prosperity would continue.
  • The Dawes Plan

    The Dawes Plan
    Charles G. Dawes negotiated an agreement with France, Britain, and Germany by which American banks would make loans to Germany that would enable it to make reparations payments.
  • Helping farmers

    Helping farmers
    Every year from 1924- 1928 Senator Charles McNary of Oregon and Representative Gilbert Haugen of Iowa proposed the McNary-Haugen Bill, a plan in which the government would boost farm prices by buying up surpluses and selling them, at a loss, overseas.
  • The Kellogg-Briand Pact

    The Kellogg-Briand Pact
    The pact stated that all the signing nations agreed to abandon war and to settle all disputes by peaceful means.
  • Fall

    In 1929 Secretary Fall became the first cabinet officer in American history to go to prison for recieving bribes from private investors.