• The Harlem renaissance

    The Harlem renaissance
    The Harlem renaissance(1918-1937) was a period of U.S. history marked by a burst of creativity within the African American community in the areas of art, music and literature. jazz became world wide popular ,considered the golden age of African American history. many famous figures of the literary of the renaissance were Jean Toomer, Jessie Fauset, Claude McKay,and many more.
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    19th amendment gave women the right to vote to achieve gender equality and to improve the lives of women as a social group. unable to deny the right to vote based on their sex.
  • The prohibition

    The prohibition
    The prohibition was the era of banned sales and the import of selling alcohol beverages nationwide. because the effect in which made workers more inefficient causing accidents. pre-existing social issues like domestic violence on children and child abandonment whose presumed cause was alcohol put their family at risk. this act was enacted after many churches and organizations protested(temperance movement) and convinced to make it official. later getting repealed by the 21st amendment (1933).
  • IN with the new, out with the old, flappers!

    IN with the new, out with the old, flappers!
    in the 1920s, a lively and fast paste of life from women considered themselfs as flappers. flappers embody the youth and rebellion commonly associated with the prohibition era. they would smoke,party,and danced in jazz clubs, influencing a new lifestyle for women.
  • The scopes "monkey" trial starts!

    The scopes "monkey" trial starts!
    The Scopes Trial is one of the best known in American history because it symbolizes the conflict between science and theology, faith and reason, individual liberty and majority rule. it was forbidden because religious fundamentalists believe it ruined the belief in God and the bible. John scopes (he thought evolution) was but on trail and was found 100$. but on the trail. John scopes testified saying didn't even notice teaching evolution.
  • Beginning of the talkies !

    Beginning of the talkies !
    On October 6, 1927, Warner Bros. released The Jazz Singer, the first feature-length film to incorporate synchronized sound for sequences of dialogue. Replacing silent films for something more extravagant and new. becoming a nation wide sensation
  • The stock market crash

    The stock market crash
    The stock market (October 29, 1929) had the nation into a shock. the market plummeted down (nearly 13%) which had many families and Businesses to go bankrupt. people speculated due to panic selling, overinflated shares, and a negative media industry. causing many people to lose their life savings and jobs.
  • The dust bowl

    The dust bowl
    the dust bowl was a large sand storm that covered and destroyed everything in its path. which caused people to be malnourished and sick. the cause of the large sand storm are because the number of poor land management practices in the Great Plains region increased the vulnerability of the area before the 1930s drought. over time collecting dust and getting larger effecting farmers and crops.
  • FDRs new deal

    FDRs new deal
    The FDR new deal brought a sense in security and to put more people back to work. This program was created by Franklin D. Roosevelt to transform American politics, the economy and welfare. changing the role of the government for more active problem solving. creating more opportunities for people to bring the nation out of depression .
  • Machine gun Kelly gets arrested

    Machine gun Kelly gets arrested
    on september 26th, 1933 famous crook machine Kelly was arrested for illegally bootlegging and also for a colleague. later after a little run- ins and serving his sentence, he moved out west with his girlfriend.