Germany Renounces Treaty of Versailles
Germany renounces the Treaty of Versailles, which ended WWI. In doing so, they openly rearm. Germany continues to seek revenge for the "unfair" settlement. -
U.S. Passes Neutrality Act
Roosevelt suggests neutrality. The U.S. Congress passes the Neutrality act. This forbids loans or arms to participants in foreign wars. -
Italy Attacks Ethiopia
Using a border incident as a explanation, Mussolini invades Ethiopia. Mussolini does so in an attempt to avenge their previous embarassing defeat. In order to maintain the political balance of Germany, Great Britiain and France do nothing. -
German Troops Enter Rhineland
HItler decides to send a small armed force into the demilitarized Rhineland. This action breaches both the Versailles Treaty and Locarno Agreements. While France could easily defeat the force, they do nothing. -
Spanish Civil War Begins
Civil War breaks out in Spain between the Nationalists and Loyalists. Within weeks, Italy and Germany send aid to the Nationalists, bringing them closer together. The Soviet Union sends aid to the Loyalists. -
Japan Signs Anti-Commitern
Jaoan signs the Anti-Comintern with both Italy and Germany. This was supposedly designed to counter Communist influence. This event marked the beginning of the Axis powers. -
Germany invades and annexes Austria. This is done so in an attempt to unify all members of the "German race". It also expands Hitler's empire. -
Munich Pact
Germany threatens to march into Czechoslovakia in order to seize the German popluated territories. Great Britain and France offer to compromise at a conference in Munich. In response, Germany annxes western protions of Czechloslovakia without brigining war. -
Germany Annexes Memel
This was Germany's final "bloodless" annexation. Hitler takes control of Memel. This, again, continues to expand the German empire and race. -
Germany Invades Czechoslovakia
Hitler invades and occupies Czechoslovakia. previously the Munich Pact grantedarious pieces of the country to Germany. This gives Germany full control of the nation. -
Mussolini Invades Albania
Mussolini takes great pride in Hilter's actions and wants to prove his military strength. In an attmept to mimi Hitler's conquest of Prague, Italy invades and occupies Albania. It was the first of numerous conquests of Italy, many of them disastrous. -
Hitler Renounces Naval Agreement
Hitler renounces the 1935 naval agreement with Great Britiain. This agreement was created to regulate Germany's naval forces in regard to the size of Great Britain's force. Now, both nations are free to expand. -
Germany Signs Non-Agression Pact with Soviet Union
Germany and the Soviet Unions sign a non-agression pact in which both countries agree not to attack one another. By doing so, Germany prevented itself from having to fight a two-front war. (A two-front war was the downfall of Germany in WWI.) -
Anglo-Polish Agreement
In response to Germany's defiance of the Munich agreeement, Britain and Poland create a military alliance. Both France and Great Britain agree to maintain Poland independence. France and Great Britian will do anything in their power to uphold this agreement. -
Germany Invades Poland
German forces attack Poland from the land and air, in order to regain lost territory and ultimately rule Poland. Great Britain and France issue Germany an ulitmatum. -
WWII Begins
In response to the German invasion of Poland, WWII officially begins when Great Britian and France declare war on Germany. Finally, the two nations can take no more of Hitler's antics. Both previously neutral it becomes time to take the action that HItler never thought they would.