The Road to World War II (by Mercedes Gaviria)

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    After the end of World War I, the European countries declared Germany guilty for the the Great War. The Treaty of Versailles was made to punish Germany, which, included war reparations, demilitarization, and their territory was taken away. These punishments were very harsh on Germany and it led them to a Great Depression.
  • Hitler Takes Control of Germany

    Hitler Takes Control of Germany
    In January 1933, Hitler was elected as chancellor in Germany. This is when the Nazi party and its ideology is spreading to Germany, now that Hitler has control over it.
  • Invasion of Rhineland

    Invasion of Rhineland
    Rhineland was in the middle of Germany and France, it was land that Hitler wanted. While Hitler sent his troops to Rhineland France was afraid of the start of another war. So, France and Britain did an act of appeasement and gave the land to Hitler.
  • Anschluss, Hitler annexed Austria

    Anschluss, Hitler annexed Austria
    After successfully invading Rhineland, Hitler's next country invasion was in Austria.
  • Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    Invasion of Czechoslovakia
    After Hitler invades and successfully controls Rhineland. He send German troops to Czechoslovakia to try to take control of the country. He successfully takes control of Czechoslovakia because Britain and France does an act of appeasement again. They allow Hitler to take control of that country, so that they can avoid war.
  • The Munich Pact

    The Munich Pact
    A few months later after the invasion of Czechoslovakia the leaders of Britain and France decided to make an agreement with Hitler. They gave over Czechoslovakia, and in return Hitler would stop invading other countries.
  • The Nazi-Soviet Pact

    The Nazi-Soviet Pact
    Stalin's army was twice as big as the Nazi army, and this intimidated Hitler a lot. As a result, in August Hitler and Stalin signed a military alliance. They both agreed to not invade each other's countries. However, they also agreed to invade and divide Poland secretly.
  • Invasion of Poland/ start of World War II

    Invasion of Poland/ start of World War II
    Poland was home to over three million Jews, and Hitler was determined to take over the land. When Hitler decided to invade Poland this showed that he was breaking the Munich Pact and the European countries couldn't help, but declare war on Germany.