The Road to World War II

By yesi134
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    World War I

    The biggest, worst and most terrible war that had ever happened in Europe. New military technology was introduced. There were two sides the Allied Powers and Central Powers.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    The peace treaty that was created to end WWI. The Allied Powers punished Germany the most. Germany was forced to take full responsibility for the war. they were also left broke and ended up in a depression.
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    Great Depression

    Germany had no resources and had no money after the war. They had to pay for the repairs and all the damage caused. It was hard to get any job and very hard to buy food.
  • Hitler Takes Control of Germany

    Hitler joined the National Socialist German Workers' Party and introduced antisemitism to them. he became Chancellor of Germany and them turned it into a dictatorship.
  • Invasion of the Rhineland

  • Invasion of Czechoslovakia

  • Britain and France appease Hitler

  • Hitler annexes Austria

  • Voyage of the St. Louis

  • Invasion of Poland/start of WWII