Period: to
The Treaty of Versailles signed
The treaty forced Germany to disarm, make substantial territorial concessions, and pay reparations to certain countries that had formed the Entent -
The Global Depression begins
The Great Depression was the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world. -
Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
In the election of late 1932 the Nazis won 37 per cent of the vote, and became the largest single party in the Reichstag. As Von Papen did not command Reichstag support, von Papen was soon replaced by General Kurt von Schleicher. Anxious to regain power, von Papen struck a deal to make Hitler Chancellor, with himself as Vice-Chancellor. -
The Spanish Civil War
Was a figth between the Republicans, who were loyal to the democratic, left-leaning Second Spanish Republic, and the Nationalists, a falangist group led by General Francisco Franco. -
Rome Berlin Axis: Hitler-Mussolini Alliance
Nazi Germany and fascist Italy have their common ideology, similar foreign policy, expansionist aims and finally common enemies – Britain, France and communist Russia. It make them to form an alliance. -
Anschluss with Austria
Hitler wanted all German-speaking nations in Europe to be a part of Germany. To this end, he had designs on re-uniting Germany with his native homeland, Austria. Hitler was determined to destabilise Austria and undermine its independence. His ultimate goal was anschluss with Austria. -
The Munich Agreement
Munich Agreement was a settlement reached by Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy that permitted German annexation of the Sudetenland in western Czechoslovakia, where about three million people in the Sudeten area were of German origin. -
Nazis invade Czechoslovakia
The German occupation of Czechoslovakia began with the Nazi annexation of Czechoslovakia's northern and western border regions, known collectively as the Sudetenland, under terms outlined by the Munich Agreement. German leader Adolf Hitler's pretext for this effort was the alleged privations suffered by the ethnic German population living in those regions. -
The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Representatives from Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union met and signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, which guaranteed that the two countries would not attack each other. -
Nazis invade Poland
Germany invaded Poland and World War II began. The first attack of the war , was a German aircraft bombarded the Polish town of Wielun, killing nearly 1,200. Within days, the United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany and began mobilizing their armies and preparing their civilians.