The Road to World War II

  • Black Tuesday

    The stock market crash sends the world into debt, depression, and economic despair. Germany takes the hardest blow, already being in huge debt from World War I
  • Period: to

    The Road to World War II

  • German's elect Nazi's

    This oppurtunity gives Hitler and the Nazis more power
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    This act causes The League of Nations to Condemn Japan, though The League does nothing other, with no effort to remove Japan from Manchuria
  • Hitler's rise to Power

    Hitler is apointed chancelor of Germany by President Hindenburg.
  • Enabling Act

    Hitler enforces the enabling act. This gives him and the nazis the power to make laws, abolish political parties, and open concentration camps.
  • More Nazi power

    Hitler names himself Furher of Germany. He is now leader with practically no oppositian.
  • Germany invades Austria

    Germany invading Austria was an early step into World War II. This invasion caused British Prime Minister to appease Hitler.
  • AXIS Powers

    Italy, Germany, and Japan sign a non-agression treaty, forming the AXIS Powers
  • Germany invades Austria

    This is an early step into World War II. Instead of angering Britain, the British Prime Minister tries to appease Hitler
  • War declared

    2 days after Germany invades Poland. Britain, France, Austria, and New Zealand declare war on Germany.