The road to war

  • Hitler joins German Workers Party

    Hitler joins German Workers Party
    Hitler joins the German Workers Party when he is going to run for office.
  • Mussolini forms the Fascist Party in Italy

    Mussolini forms the Fascist Party in Italy
    Mussolini created a fascist movement in Italy and had people who were known as "the blackshirts" beat up socialists and communists and threw them out of local government in Italy.
  • Treaty of Versailles is signed

    Treaty of Versailles is signed
    The Treaty of Versailles is signed in France by Germany, Britain, France, Italy and Russia which formally ended World War 1. This was done because the war had taken enough lives at this point and Germany had lost the war. This treaty also blamed the war on Germany so they faced all of the construction costs and also faced many punishments.
  • League of nations is founded

    League of nations is founded
    Founded by president Woodrow Wilson, Headquarters is in Geneva Switzerland, at the initiative of the victorious Allied powers at the end of World War I.
  • Washington Naval Conference

    Washington Naval Conference
    The world’s largest naval powers gathered in Washington DC to discuss how they would deal with tensions in the East. They discussed how they deal with Japan’s Empire.
  • Mussolini threatens to march on Rome

    Mussolini threatens to march on Rome
    Mussolini rose to power in Italy causing the Prime Minister named Luigi Fatca to resign which began the new fascist government
  • Hitler attempts to overthrow the Weimar government

    Hitler attempts to overthrow the Weimar government
    Hitler and his supporters attempted to take over Bavaria but, they did not succeed.
  • US creates Dawes/Circular Loans Plan

    US creates Dawes/Circular Loans Plan
    The United States created a group that was in charge of the financial side after the war. They were focused on the finances of each country and how each country was doing on a financial standpoint.
  • Kellogg Briand Pact

    Kellogg Briand Pact
    An agreement outlawing war to try and prevent another World War was made. The United States was incharge of this meeting and France quickly joined. It is also called the Pact of Paris.
  • Great Depression begins

    Great Depression begins
    It was an enormous economic decline for the whole world and lasted for about 4 years. This meant that it was very difficult for people to gain money and afford things with the rising prices to live. This meant that many people lost their lives during the great depression.
  • Japan occupies Manchuria, China

    Japan occupies Manchuria, China
    Japan launched an attack on Manchuria, China. This war was fought for 1 year until Japan was eventually able to claim the Chinese land of Manchuria. They invaded so that they could seize the natural resources that weren’t in Japan.
  • Hitler occupies Czechoslovakia

    Hitler occupies Czechoslovakia
    Hitler got the Munich pact which meant that Hitler got control of the Sudetenland which meant that he got control of Czechoslovakia and the 3 million people in the nation.
  • Geneva Disarmament Conference begins

    Geneva Disarmament Conference begins
    6 counties met to discuss in armaments, with particular emphasis on offensive weapons. Germany demanded that other nations also have military restrictions like them selves that were given restrictions in the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Hitler places second in German national elections for president

    Hitler places second in German national elections for president
    Adolf Hitler ran for German national president but he finished 2nd behind Paul von Hindenburg. He wanted to run because he was such a great public speaker and could motivate the people to do what he wanted with his speeches.
  • Germany withdraws from League of Nations

    Germany withdraws from League of Nations
    After Hitler became chancellor he withdrew Germany from the League of Nations was because they refused to let the western powers to acquiesce in Germany’s demands for military parity.
  • Hitler withdraws from Geneva Disarmament Conference

    Hitler withdraws from Geneva Disarmament Conference
    Hitler withdraws Germany from the Geneva Disarmament Conference because they were unwilling to meet Germany's demand for equality.
  • Hitler merges offices chancellor & president

    Hitler merges offices chancellor & president
    The German president Paul von Hindenburg died and days after the leadership of Germany let Hitler take complete control of the country. He used intimidation in order to get the support of the people.
  • Mussolini invades Ethiopia

    Mussolini invades Ethiopia
    Ethiopia fell under Italian rule after an armed conflict. Prior to this Ethiopia was one of the few nations to be independent.
  • Hitler militarizes Rhineland

    Hitler militarizes Rhineland
    Hitler and his army invaded the Rhineland and militarized it even though it was a demilitarized zone before they came. When he did this he broke the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Japanese invasion of China

    Japanese invasion of China
    China was divided, impoverished and economically exploited. Japan wanted to have a "Great East Asia Co‑Prosperity Sphere," an empire where Japan dominated East Asia.
  • Italy withdraws from the league of nations

    Italy withdraws from the league of nations
    After visiting Germany Mussolini decided to ally with Germany and leave the league of nations.
  • Hitler and Nazi Germany gain Sudetenland

    Hitler and Nazi Germany gain Sudetenland
    Hitler and the Nazis wanted to get Sudetenland to annex to Germany or they would wage war. They wanted this because Sudetenland had all of the natural resources that Germany needed for war.
  • Hitler and Nazi Germany annex Austria

    Hitler and Nazi Germany annex Austria
    Hitler and the Nazi’s invaded Austria and forced them to join the German nation in order to gain more land and have more control in the world.
  • Hitler signs alliance with Mussolini

    Hitler signs alliance with Mussolini
    Hitler signed an alliance with Mussolini in Berlin, Germany to agree that Italy and Germany would support each other militarily and economically if needed.
  • Hitler and Stalin sign Non-Aggression Pact

    Hitler and Stalin sign Non-Aggression Pact
    Hitler and Stalin signed a non-aggression pact which stated that Italy and Germany would not take military action against each other for the next 10 years.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    The germans under the control of Adolf Hitler invades Poland and this is how World War 2 starts.
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    Britain and France declare war on Germany
    Great Britain and France declare war on Germany after they invaded Poland.