Declaration of Independence is Signed!
On this day the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence. This formally declared the colonies will to no longer be a part of England, and to form a nation of thier own. -
Treaty of Paris is Signed
On this day, the Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the Revolutionary War and officially making the United States a nation. -
Constitution was ratified!
On this day the Constitution was ratified and officially became the law of the United States of America. -
Period: to
Mexican-American War
This was the war between Mexico and the United States of America that occured around the annexation of Texas. -
Treaty of Hidalgo was Signed!
The Treaty of Hidalgo was signed on this day in 1848. This brought an end to the Mexican-American war and gave the use the Mexican Cession of 1848. The Mexican Cession of 1848 allocated to the United States a large portion of what is today the South-Western United States. -
Gasden Purchase is Finalized
On this day the Gasden Purchase between the US Ambassador to Mexico and James Gadsen. This land allocated to the United States what is today the southern half of New Mexico and Arizona. -
Arizona Becomes a State
On this day 100 years ago, Arizona officially became accepted as the 48th state in the Union. -
IRCA Bill is Passed.
The Immigration Reform and Control Act was passed on this day in 1986. This act states that no state can put into place civil or criminal sanctions upon those who employ, or recruit or refer for a fee for employment, undocumented workers. This law also requires all employers to fill out the I-9 form, when employing a new worker. -
IIRIRA is Passed
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act was passed on this day in 1996. This act states that immigrants in side the states illegally for more than 180 days but less than 365 days must remain outside the United States for 3 years. Any immigrant that is here unlawfully for more than 365 days, must stay outside of the U.S. for 10 years. This can only be reversed if the immigrant recieves a pardon. This law also created pilot program for E-Verify. -
Basic Pilot Program Extension and Expansion Act
On this day, George W. Bush signed into law the Basic Pilot Program Extension and Expansion Act. This allowed for the expantion and continuation of the E-Verify program as a way to confirm immigration status of workers. -
HB 2779- Arizona Fair and Legal Employment Act is Passed
After being voted into law in the 2007 election, HB 2779 also known as the Arizona Legal Workers Act, which prohibits Arizona employers from knowingly hiring illegal immigrants and requires all employers to use the E-Verify system when using I-9s to check the immigration status of thier workers, officilay became a law. -
HB 2779 Up-held in District Court!
On this day a district court up held Arizona's Fair and Legal Employment Act, HB 2779, which became effective on January 1. This was the first ruling on the Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc v Napolitano court case. -
HB 2779 Goes to the Ninth District Court
On this day the Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc. v. Napolitano court case was filed. In this case Chicanos Por La Cause, Inc and Arizona Employers for Immigration Reform, Inc filled for an appeal against the state of Arizona and Govenor Janet Napolitano, stating that the Arizona Fair and Legal Employment Act was a violation of IRCA of 1986. -
Arizona Bill HB 2745 Becomes A Law.
After passing HB 2779, the Arizona State Legislature passed a new law, HB 2745 which prohibits the government from making any contracts with employers who do not use the E-Verify system. The law became effective on this date. -
Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc v Napolitano Ruling Made
On this day the Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc v Napolitano ruling was made in the Ninth District Court, or the appeals court. They ruled to up-hold the former ruling of the district court and that the law did not violate the IRCA of 1986. -
Omnibus Appropriations Act is Enacted
On this day in 2009, the Omnibus Appropriations Act was signed into law by President Barack Obama. This allowed for an of the budget for the E-Verify program until September of 2009. -
FAR Regulations Are Put into Place.
FAR or Federal Acquisition Regulation came into place. These regulations requires eployers with federal contracts or subcontracts to use E-Verify. -
E-Verify Funding Continued
When the Department of Homeland Security appropriations were approved, congress also approved another extention of the E-Verify program. This extention allows the E-Verify program to continue for another three years. -
Supreme Court Up-holds Arizona Manditory E-Verify
News Article on the Supreme Court Ruling After deliberating on the 2007 Arizona law that required employers in Arizona to use E-Verify to check the immigration status of workers, the Supreme Court ruled 5 to 3 in favor to uphold the law.