
The road to Chellseay!

  • Graduate high school! (:

    Graduate high school! (:
  • Attend Wright State University (Criminal Justice)

    Attend Wright State University (Criminal Justice)
  • Start a part time job (Waitress)

    Start a part time job (Waitress)
  • Graduate College with Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice!

    Graduate College with Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice!
  • Rent apartment with boyfriend in Greenville, Ohio

    Rent apartment with boyfriend in Greenville, Ohio
  • Become a Probabtion officer in Greenville at Darke County Adult Probabation Office.

    Become a Probabtion officer in Greenville at Darke County Adult Probabation Office.
  • Engagment!

  • Accept job offer as a Corrections officer in California.

    Accept job offer as a Corrections officer in California.
  • Buy a house

    Buy a house
  • Wedding day (:

    Wedding day (:
  • Welcome my first child, a little baby boy (:

    Welcome my first child, a little baby boy (:
  • Deliver my second child, a beautiful baby girl.

    Deliver my second child, a beautiful baby girl.
  • Attend 10 year reunion

    Attend 10 year reunion
  • Start a new job at High Desert State Prison in California, as a Correctional Officer.

    Start a new job at High Desert State Prison in California, as a Correctional Officer.
  • Move dad in with me.

    Move dad in with me.
  • Celebrate son's first day of Kindergarten.

    Celebrate son's first day of Kindergarten.
  • Adopt a child with a disorder.

    Adopt a child with a disorder.
  • Celebrate daughter's first day of kindergarten.

    Celebrate daughter's first day of kindergarten.
  • Begin having a log cabin built.

    Begin having a log cabin built.
  • Move into newly built log cabin.

    Move into newly built log cabin.
  • Applaud son for graduating high school.

    Applaud son for graduating high school.
  • Commerate daughter graduating high school.

    Commerate daughter graduating high school.
  • Attend 30 year reunion.

    Attend 30 year reunion.
  • Reminisce with friends at 50 year reunion.

    Reminisce with friends at 50 year reunion.
  • Retire and go on vacation!

    Retire and go on vacation!