The River Merchant's wife

  • childhood

    The author uses phrases like "I played about the front gate,pulling flowers and you came by on bamboo stilts(1-2) playing horse, to show how young they were when they first meet. The author continues to describe how young they were by saying "Two small people, without dislike or suspision"(6) to show that they didn't know what love is.The represent this stanza because it shows kids playing like they did when they first meet
  • Age 14

    Age 14
    She married him. And her love started to mature. The author uses the phrase "I never laughed, being bashful" (8-9) To show how young she is while her love is maturing. "At fourteen I married my lord you" (7) to show how she started to care for him. The shows that got married at a young age
  • Age 15

    Age 15
    When she was 15 her love for him was true love. The author uses "I stopped scowling" (11) To show that their love is now fully matured and true. And he uses "I desired my dust to be mingled with yours" to show how they want to die with each other and want to be buired with her.
  • age 16

    age 16
    In the fourth stanza the speaker countinues to show how their love is changing and it becomes true love. Also that their love is true now and they hate being away from eachother. "and you have been gone for five months. The monkeys make sowerful noice overhead(17-18)
  • Leaving home

    Leaving home
    In the fith stanza the speaker proves that their love is true and their love has changed because it was so hard for her husband to leave home, "you dragged your feet when you went out(19) this prove that their love is true
  • Autumn

    To show the weather changing, and she is sad that her husband is leaving and the weather changing is how she is feeling, cold and sad. "over the grass in the west garden they hurt me" (24-25). This shows time pasing and hurt when he is not around.