The River Merchant's Wife

  • Playing Children

    Playing Children
    The young girl was in playing with flowers by the front gate. A merchant came in on bamboo stilts playing with blue plums (may be a symbol of sadness). She decided to follow along to where he was going and they traveled to Chokan without remorse.
  • Married

    She has married the merchant, although she never laughed around him.She's is very shy around him, looking at not almost as if he weren't her husband, but her king.
  • Open-minded

    She starts being more open to him, the factor of being shy wasn't the matter anymore to her. She stated that she is committed to being with him the rest of her life and doesn't want to live his side.
  • Still Together?

    Still Together?
    Her husband leaves her at the age of sixteen. He probably departed due to financial issues and set out to sell his goods in other lands. She is lonely as she states that she hears sorrowful noises.
  • Time Goes On...

    Time Goes On...
    Since she was a child, she has been by the gate, although there are new things growing there. There now grows moss, too deep to be cleared and taken care of. The setting is fall, meaning that soon Winter is coming and Winter is a symbol for death.
  • Perserverence

    She's acknowledges herself that as each day goes by, she is getting older and older. She tells her husband to meet with her at the Kiang river if he's coming down through the narrows of it. She know that if he doesn't send back, there would be no reason to wait around anymore.