The Rise of The Axis Powers

  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    All of the countries that were participants in WWI had met and made a peace treaty and made all of the axis powers (mainly Germany) pay reperations for their damages caused. This event was very signifigant becasue it caused Germany to be vengeful and go after France and their allies to get their territory back.
  • Period: to

    WWI into WWII

  • Mussolini becomes fascist leader of Italy

    Mussolini becomes fascist leader of Italy
    Following the march on rome, Mussolini was appointed by The King as Prime Minister. This transferred political power to the facists without any armed conflict. This was important because now Italy is allies with Germany and the access powers.
  • Mein Kampf is published

    Mein Kampf is published
    Hitler, who was currently serving a sentence at the time for treason due to his failed coup, wrote a book About his life, youth and his conversion to antisemitisim (the hate against Jews). This is important because it publicized his opinion.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler had assumed control and the Nazi party of Germany had taken over power. Hitler became popular amongst the people of Germany due to his hatred for the reforms put on Germany after the Treaty of Versailles. This was important because it allowed Hitler to do almost anything in office.
  • “Knight of the Long Knives” Hitler consolidates power

    “Knight of the Long Knives” Hitler consolidates power
    The night of the long knives was a purge against all of the hundreds of perceived opponents of Hitler. This was important for his reign because there was no one standing in his way.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    The Italian invasion or also known as the Ethiopian war, was a war of aggression that was fought between Italy and Ethiopia. On October 3rd, 1935, 200,000 soldiers of the Italian Army attacked Ethiopia with no declaration of war. This benefited Italy because it. gave Benito Mussolini Italy a lot of publicity.
  • Japan Invades China

    Japan Invades China
    Known as the second Sino-Japanese war or mainly as the Japanese invasion of China, this invasion is often described as the Asian holocaust because of the amount of Japan's war crimes against Chinese civilians.
    This event was significant for Japan because it gave them an opportunity to get many natural resources that their island did not have.
  • Japanese Rape of Nanjing

    Japanese Rape of Nanjing
    During the invasion of China by the Japanese army, Imperial japanese army forces brutally murdered and raped hundreds of thousands of people including soldiers and civilians. This event alone caused most of the previous allied powers to rethink their alliance with Japan.
  • Germany and Italy sign the Pact of Steel

    Germany and Italy sign the Pact of Steel
    The pact of steel, also known as the pack of friendship and the alliance between Germany and Italy, It was a military alliance between Italy and Germany. This would help Germany a lot in the upcoming war because now, they could have a partner alongside them.
  • Germany invades Poland, beginning World War II

    Germany invades Poland, beginning World War II
    Just one week after signing a pact with the Soviet Union, Germany invaded Poland. The Germans had many large advances on the Polish military due to big losses on Poland's war fronts. This invasion helped Germany by giving them extra territory and also it publicized their power amongst all of Europe.
  • Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact

    Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact
    The Tripartite Pact, also known as the Berlin Pact, Was an agreement between Germany, Italy and Japan signed in Berlin. This alliance was to unite these countries all as the axis powers. This would help Germany, Japan and Italy all become United under one alliance. This better protected all of their states; as an attack on one meant an attack on all.