Oprah elected as first female president.
Oprah Winfrey wins the 2020 presidential elections by two votes in the electoral college. She’s elected the first female president of the United States which sparks outrage in many southern states of the US. Polls show that she was neck-and-neck with her opponents Kanye West and Donald Trump. It was the state of Maryland that won her the vote. -
New Laws Restrict Religious Freedom
Many of Oprah’s ideas were conversial, but probably the most conversial were her views on religion. While she allowed people to believe what they desired, she thought people should be more private with their religious views. After much discussion, congress ratifies a new law making it illegal for citizens to openly declare their religious views unless confined within the walls of a church. Open prayer was included in the bill and citizens could no longer pray in public. -
US Moves to Popular Vote
One major thing that Oprah pushed for during her run as president was for the US to use the popular vote during the presidential elections instead of using an electoral college. On the 8th of May, congress put the proposal to a vote and dismissed the electoral college just in time for the 2024 elections. -
Oprah is re-elected
New Constitution is Ratified
The Bill of Rights has always been a topic of discussion in the US since the ratification of it in 1788. As political views have shifted over the years, many began to view the Constittution as an outdated artifact. Congress holds the New Constitutional Convention to discuss changes that need to be made to the constitution. After the convention, a new constitution, similar to the old one, was ratified. This new constitution held a new Bill of Rights that promised equality to everyone. -
Mark Zuckerberg Wins 2028 Elections
After winning the 2028 elections, Mark Zuckerberg enactes a new form of governement serveillance that leaves many citizens feeling as if they’ve lost all sense of privacy. Though the new surveillance has put over 1000 terroists in prison, many people still protest Mark’s new style of leadership. -
The Darkest Day
No longer do citizens feel as if the government exists to protect them, but that it is a tyrant. Fed up, a group of extremists known as “The Deplorables” march on a government building in Dallas, Texas and shoot up the area with illegal weapons. 142 people died and over 700 were severely injured by nearby bombings; the entire event was live-streamed on various social media platforms. In response to the livestreams, Mark Zuckerberg ordered an internet shutdown and the US went dark for 24 hours. -
The birth of the Rational Party
In 2035, many citizens were fed up with the current political system and sought real and lasting change. A popular social media figure, Meghan McCullin voiced her concerns and was soon made the leader of the Rational Party—a form of republicanism, heavily rooted in the Christian faith. -
The Rational Party Declares Seperation from the US
Tensions between various political parties in the US had reached an all-time high. After “The Darkest Day”, Meghan McCullin, leader of the Rational party decides to peacefully separate from the US. However, Mark Zuckerberg denies the Rational party’s proposal. -
The Rational Revolt
Though the Rational party was often peaceful, after being denied peaceful separation from the US, members of the party burst into congress and killed 15 congressmen in a bloody shootout. -
Formation of Meglandia
After months of rioting in the streets, the US was split into four factions: The Deplorables (red), The U.S. (blue), The Independent States (yellow), and the Rational party whom named their country after their new political leader, Meghan McCullin (green). The Greatest Civil War is in full swing. -
Meglandia Ratifies The Meglandia Mandate
One major issue political leaders had during war-time was figuring out exactly what kind of governement they would have to replace the US’. Many citizens wanted Meghan McCullin to be their queen, but politicians were concerned about her, or someone from her bloodline becoming a tyrant. So, the Meglandia Mandate was written in order to put limitations on the Queen’s power. -
Meglandia Successfully Separates from the US
After about three years of war, Meglandia is recognized as its own country by the U.N. After much debate, political leaders in Meglandia declare the country as a constitutional monarchy and name Meghan McCullin as their queen.