The Rise of Hitler Timeline

  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, ended WW1 and imposed a harsh environment against Germany, deeming them the cause of WW1. These harsh actions are such as demilitarization, territorial loss, and reparational payments.
  • Germany hyperinflation

    Germany hyperinflation
    Germany had seen prices rise astronomically as the government printed money to cover reparations and war debts, leading to a near-collapse of the currency and widespread economic hardship.
  • Germany´s side of The Great Depression

    Germany´s side of The Great Depression
    The Great Depression, sparked by the Wall Street crash, severely impacted Germany, leading to mass unemployment, poverty, even more political instability, and the most important, the rise of the Nazi Party, and Adolf Hitler
  • Political Instability in Germany (Post WW1)

    Political Instability in Germany (Post WW1)
    After WW1, Germany faced major political Instability due to the harsh environment of The Treaty of Versailles, widespread economic hardship, and the rise of extremist ideologies, ultimately paving the way for the rise of the Nazi Party
  • The Formation and the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party

    The Formation and the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party
    The Nazi Party, officially the National Socialist German Workers Party, was founded in 1920, and rose to power following the Great Depression, and the Political Instability, culminating in Adolf Hitlers appointment as Chancellor in 1933. Then, the Reichstag Fire and the Passing of the Enabling act happened, which granted Hitler dictatorial powers, and it was passed on March 23rd.