The Rise of Communism

By lmauro
  • Communist Manifesto

    Communist Manifesto
    Karl Marx wrote the communist manifesto.
  • Other Communist parties.

    Other Communist parties.
    Other Communist parties gained a foot hold in Britain and Germany.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    A revolution of the Russian workers took place and they over threw the government.
  • The Bolsheviks

    The Bolsheviks
    The Bolsheviks assassinated the Tsar and his family.
  • The League of the Godless

    The League of the Godless
    The party organised the League of the Godless to harass and persecute churchgoers.
  • Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin
    Joseph Stalin seized control of the Communist Party in 1927 and religious freedom became even more limited.
  • Law on Religious Association

    Law on Religious Association
    The Law on Religious Associations was proclaimed, under which people were allowed to worship in the few churches that remained and congregations had to register with the government.
  • Pope Pius XI

    Pope Pius XI
    Pope Pius XI, in direct response to the increasing and severe persecution of Christians in Russia, published his encyclical Divini Redemptoris, which condemned communism and called for a worldwide day of prayer for the sufferings of the Christians in Russia.
  • Religious Persecution

    Religious Persecution
    Only 1% of the original number of churches remained.