The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Emipre

  • Jan 1, 1300

    Founder of the Ottoman Empire

    Founder of the Ottoman Empire
    Osman the founder of the Ottoman Empire and is beggining.
  • Jan 1, 1326

    Osmans Death

    Osmans Death
    Osaman dies after he takes his troops to Busa and a city falls and he makes into his capital the Ottoman Empire.
  • Jan 1, 1389


    Osman trains a group of ex-slaves into elite soildiers called Janissaries.
  • Jan 24, 1453

    Consantinople made Capital

    Consantinople made Capital
    Mahad II made Consantinople his capitle.
  • Jan 1, 1520

    Suleymans Conquring

    Suleymans Conquring
    Suleyman the Magnificent. He conquers parts of western Asia and southeast Europe in his desire to convert people to Islam.
  • Jan 1, 1566

    Suleymans Death

    Suleymans Death
    At Suleyman I's death, his son Selim II rules.
  • Greece Revolts

    Greece Revolts
    Greece revolts against the Ottomans. A long struggle ensues with the Greeks eventually getting help from Britain, France, and Russia.
  • Balken Wars

    Balken Wars
    European lands that belong to the Ottoman Empire.
  • Breaking of the Ottoman Empire

    Breaking of the Ottoman Empire
    The Ottoman Empire falls for good because the picked the losing side for WW1 sidding with the Germans.
  • Losing Battle

    Losing Battle
    The Ottomans try to conquer Venice in 1683, but fail.