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Napoleon's Lifespan
Napoleon became known
In the summer of 1973, the young soldier Napoleon Bonaparte had a shining moment and start of fame. As British troops conquered the french port of Toulon, Napoleon designed a plan to surround the port with 80 cannons. This military strategy succeeded and brought him notice and a promotion. His new rank became the brigadier general. -
Napoleon is promoted to General of the Army of the West
The courageous Napoleon sparred with royalist's who tried to regain power in Paris. This led Napoleon to shoot into the crowd in order to end the uprising. After the crowd had fled, he was put in charge of the French interior despite his young age of 26 years old. -
The Battle of Lodi
The Battle of Lodi was a small but, dramatic fight in Napoleon's first Italian campaign. This battle took place on the Lodi Bridge, which is southeast from Milan, and earned Napoleon a lot of respect and loyalty from his troops. The conflict arose when the Austrian rear guard, Jean-Pierre Beaulieu, refused to depart his troops from the bridge. Napoleon blasted the defenses across the bridge causing 2,000 to 3,000 casualties. Eventually, the Austrians retreated once the French cavalry arrived. -
The Battle of the Pyramids
Bonaparte, then the general and military adviser for the French Revolutionary government, believed invading Egypt would give France a new source of income. He headed south for Cario hoping to evict the Mamlūks. The 6,000 Mamluk troops charged the 25,000 French army leading the egyptian army to perish and only leaving a couple hundred French casualties. Napoleon moved into Cario and less than a week later his fleet falls. -
The Battle of the Nile
The Battle of the Nile was a significant chapter in the Revolutionary Wars fought between both the French and British fleets. Napoleon made plans to constrict British trade routes but, the British government was made aware of these attacks. Under the British command, Sir Horatio Nelson, sailed to victory and blasted Napoleon's ambitions. Nelson and his men executed plans with military precision leaving the French with five times as many casualties. -
Napoleon creates the French Consulate
Napoleon believed the fighting in Egypt was becoming redundant and strongly believed he could reform and save France. He soon after abandoned his army in Syria and sailed back to France. The coup of 18 Brumaire overthrew the French Directory and Napoleon rose to power replacing the Directory with a three-person Cosul. This made him France's leading political figure and he worked to restore stability after the post-revolutionary France. -
Napoleonic Code
The civil code known as the, Napoleonic Code, gave post-revolutionary France a new set of laws concerning property and family or individual rights. In 1800, Bonaparte revised France's outdated legal system and codified multiple branches of law. This code placed authority over men much stronger than families and deprived women of rights. Colonial slavery was reintroduced and the laws applied to every territory under Napoleon's control. -
Napoleon is Crowned Emperor
Having secured the Senate's agreement he could rule by decree, Napoleon extended his political control. He reinstated his hereditary leadership under his own family and was supported by a constitution referendum. 99% of voters who casted their ballots agreed with this decision. Napoleon crowned himself during the coronation and became the first frenchman to hold title of emperor in a thousand years. -
Napoleon's Invasion of Russia
The French emperor raised a huge army from all over Europe and directed them to invade Russia. Researchers estimated at least 450,000 crossed the Niemen River to fight around 200,000 Russian troops. Napoleon's goal was to win a quick victory and soon after the Russian soldiers gave up with very little fighting. The French army captured the city of Vilna but, weather conditions got worse. Thousands of men died from lack of food and the cold. After many battles the remaining french retreated. -
The Battle of Waterloo
Napoleon led his army of 72,000 troops against the 68,000-man British army which was located in the south of Brussels near a town called Waterloo. The emperor waited until mid-day to give his army direction's in order to wait for the ground to dry. The delay gave Britain time to send 30,000 more Prussian's to join the battle and threw the French's strong attack off. Fatigued and in poor health, Napoleon acted indecisively leading to the end of his military career. He eventually rode away crying. -
Napoleon's Final Years
Napoleon was abdicated on June 15th 1815 and exiled to a remote, British-held island of Saint-Helena. He died there at age 51 from stomach cancer and was buried on the island. His remains were later returned to France in 1840 where Napoleon was entombed.