The Rise and Fall of Napoleon, 1969-1821

By jpsmith
  • Napoleon was born in Ajaccio Corsica

  • Defends the National Convention from royalist

  • Seizes control of the government

    Napoleon got all of the citizens to vote him into power.
  • Sells the U.S the Louisiana Territory

    Napoleon did not see the use of the land in the United States, sold it for 15 million dollars to support his military
  • Makes himself emperor of France.

    Noone Revolted when he came to power
  • Loses the Battle of Trafalgar

    This battle was a sea war and the British destroys French and Spanish ships and lose none
  • Blockades British shipping to the continent.

    Napoleon did this because he did not want the British gain more power from the money we are giving them.
  • Sends army to Portugal, Triggering the Peninsular War

  • Invades Russia and loses 400,000 Men.

    He lost so many soldiers because he did not go prepared and many of them froze or died from lack of hunger. They did not plan on retreating.
  • Gives up throne and is exiled.

    After that winter he no longer was emperor and was forced to leave France.
  • Napoleon died on Saint Helena Island