The Rise and Fall of Jude Duarte

  • Jude's decisions

    She was shy and innocent in the first chapter of the book and did everything to fit in with the other. She also got made fun of as well. In the second chapter she and Candan don't get a long because he makes fun of her. She wants to get revenge of him.
  • Jude's decisions

    In chapter's 3 and 4 Jude wants to get revenge of Candan for making fun of her so she starts to gain power and it mad and evil.
  • Jude's decisions

    In chapters 5-10 Jude gains more and more power so that she can use it to get revenge on Candan.
  • Jude's actions

    In chapters 10-15 Jude had gained a lot more power and starts to get out of control and it starting to act evil.
  • Jude's actions

    In chapters 15-19 Jude's actions get even worse she is mad and had let her powers take over and can't control them.
  • Jude's interactions

    In chapters 20-25 Jude's interactions with others are not good because she is mad at everyone because they made fun of her and was mean.
  • Jude's interactions

    In the beginning of the story Jude's interactions were a lot better than they were in the end of the book. She was a lot more calm with people and she liked everyone.
  • Macbeth’s actions

    Macbeth had a lot of different actions throughout the play. He starts out good then goes to evil. And he lets his pride get the best of him.
  • Macbeth’s actions

    Some more of his actions would be that he let his ego get the best of him as well. He wanted to be king so he killed all those people bc they were keeping him from doing that. But he let it get the best of him.
  • Macbeth’s decisions

    Macbeth’s decisions were good in the beginning but in the end it completely changed. He didn’t want to do any of that but then when they killed Duncan and did it bc he wanted it to kind that’s what changed him.
  • Macbeth’s actions

    He was also ashamed of what he did when he realized what he had done and what had happened.and all the people that hated him and wanted him dead.