Al Capone - EXPELLED
Sometime during the school year in 1913 Al Capone was expelled from school at the age of 14. He had kept a grade of "B's" until one day his teacher hit him and he hit back.
After that, Al Capone never went back to school. -
"Scarface" is Born
(Day and Month unknown)
At Havard Inn on Coney Island, Al Capone was working as a bouncer/waiter for Frankie Yale.
On day Frank Galluccio went to the dance hall with his date and his sister Lena. Al Capone acted inapropreate to Lena and Frank Galluccio became irritated. Al went charging at Frank, but Frank quickly pulls a pocket knife and cuts Al Capone three times on the face. -
Al Capone Moves
Al Capone moved from from New York to Chicago with his family to a house at 7244 South Prairie Ave for $5,500. -
Chicago Outfit
Al Capone becomes boss of the Chicago Outfit after Torrio was shot by other (rival) gang members. Unknown month and day -
Al is Arrested
Al capone was arrested fro killing three people, though he was relseased on the next day because the evidence was insufficient. -
St. Valentines Day Massacre
On Valentine's Day, four of Al Capoes men fired over 150 bullets into victims of the St. Valentine's Day Masacure. -
Prison Time
Al Capone had to serve time in prison finally in May 1929, though it was simpley because he was carrying a gun. -
Number One
In 1930, Al Capone was at his greatest in power and had become Public Enemy Number One. -
Locked Up
In October of 1931, Al Capone was put in in federal prison for ten years, and one year in the counth jail with fines of $50,000 plus the prosecution cost he had to pay.
All of this was caused by Al Capone not fileing his taxes. Therefore, he was charged with income tax evasion and failing to file tax retuns. -
Ended Dead
Al Caponne couldn't run the outfit anymore. He got pneumonia on Jan. 24th and then died the next day (Jan. 25) from going into cardiac arrest. Al Capone was buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery, but then in March of 1950 his remains were moved. -
Work Cite
History Files - Al Capone, History Files - Al Capone, http://www.chicagohs.org/history/capone.html, 05 May 2014