Sugar Act
The Sugar Act was a tax on that the british had passed saying that the colonies had to pay taxs on sugar, and mollasses. -
Stamp Act
It was the tax that the british had passed sayng that any legal document had to have a stamp on it. -
Townshen Acts
It was another tax that the british had passed for the colonies saying that the colonies had to pay for tea,glass,paint,oil,lead, and paper. -
Boston Massacre
A croud of boston people were teasing british regulars when one of the british regulars shot a boston person and killed a person. -
Boston tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was when the sons of librety dressed up as indians and dumped out tons of boxs of tea at the boston harbor. -
Intolerable Acts
It was the day when the british had passed a insane tax that the colines had to pay for theresults of boston tea party. -
Lexington and Concord
It was the first real battle that we americans fought in the beggining of the revolutionagainst the britsh. -
Bunker Hill
The day when a bunch of british regulars went to bunker hill to take order of it. At first the americans were winning but eventually we ran out of ammo, and we had to retreatwith the rest of our remaing menand take home a defeat. -
Common Sense
It was a 50 page book written to say that it was finnally time for us americans to become independent. -
The Decloration of Independence
It was the official document that said that we were going to finnaly be an independent country by our selfs and it was signed by 56 delagates. -
Battle of Trenton
The battle of Trenton was when we had won our first battle against the British. -
The battle at Ticonderoga was when the we tried to take a fort away from the British.