The Revolutionary War

By jkyhl
  • Stamp Act

  • Boston Tea Party

  • Ride Of Paul Revere

  • lexington and Concord

  • George Washington Named Cheif

    George Washington Named Cheif
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

  • Common Sense Published

  • Decleration of Independance

    Decleration of Independance
  • The Decleration Read Publicly

  • Hessians Capture Fort Washington

  • Washington Crosses Delaware And Gets Trenton

  • Washington Victorius At Princeton

  • Battle of Saratoga

  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
  • America and France make the French Alliance

  • Washington leaves Valley forge

  • Redcoats Occupy Savvanah

  • Battle of York town

    Battle of York town
  • Traty of Paris

  • British troops leave new york