Navagation Act
Navagation act regulated trade between England and the colonies. The English were interfering the colonists ability to trade with other nations. -
The French and Indian War
The French and Indian War was a war between the English and the French. They both wanted tho trade freely with the Native americans in the Ohio River Valley area. They also wanted that land as well. I
in the End they rose the taxes after the war. England controlled the Ohio River Valley. Put troopsin the Valley so no one crossed the trail. -
Poniac's War
Poninac's war was a Autowa Cheif who gathered many Indians tribes to attack the Engish. They loosed a lot of money and had to bring in soldirers. -
The Proclimation of 1763
The proclaimation of 1763 was a law passed by the British Officials that colonists could not pass the invisable line in the Appleachion trail. Colonist did not like this law. There were more furs and fertile land. -
The Sugar Act
Law taxing on molasses and sugar. -
The Stamp Act
The Stamp act was a law passed by British officals saying that you had to pay taxes for marriages, births and devorces etc. -
Townshed Acts
The Townshed act was an law that British Officals passed taxes manufactureed goods from England. It taxed basic things like tea, paper and cloths. The colonists did not like this. -
Stamp act Repelead
Stamp act no more -
Riates in Bosten
Bosten Massacre
The Bosten Masscreade was a a violent act that attacked soliders because the colonists had to have random soliderl live in their house. -
Townshed Acts Repealed
British troops arive in Boston