Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin could be one of the most important individuals in the American Revolution. He was the man who songle handedly convinced France to join the war on the side of America, which is arguably the turning point of the war. Without France, we very well could have lost that war. Franklin also publshed a newspaper in Philidelphia, that posted anti-British articles that helpd to influence the ideals of the colonists. http://www.biography.com/people/benjamin-franklin-9301234 -
George Washington
George Washintgon is another individual who had a large importance in the revolutionary war. George was the Commander in Chief of the continental army, and was basically single handedly in charge of winning the war. Washington led soldiers through N.J. and N.Y, winning many battles against the British. This did not only affect these areas, however. The battles that were won increased the moral of soldiers throughout the colonies, and influenced other battles. -
First English Dictionary
The first english dictionary was created and published by Samuel Johnson, after 9 years of writing. This is significant because before this point, individuals could only use words that they had previously used or learned of. Dictionaries opened up the possibilities of learning new words and meanings to expand your vocabulary. Dictionaries had been created before, but they were little more than poorly researched translations. -
Paul Revere
Paul Revere was not a hugely important individual throughout the war, but he was extremely important in one specific event. At the begginning, before the war had truly begun, British soldiers were marching through an area near Boston, heading for the towns of Lexington and Concord to take the arms the rebels had aquired. Revere saw this, and rode as fast as he could, rounded up the minutemen, and in turn, began the revolutionary war. He began the Revolution of America, -
Battle of Lexignton and Concord
The battle of Lexignton and Concord was the first battle of the Revolutionary War. While it was more of a collection of skirmishes it was very important because it represented a change from political and social unrest to open warfare in the colonies. The ineptitude shown by American Soldiers at this and other early battles played a part in the changing of American battle strategies and the better training of soldiers. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
The Battle of Bunker Hill was an important battle because it was arguably the bloodiest battle of the Revolutionary war. It was a loss for the Americans but the English suffered heavy casualties. 1500 people died during the battle. It was a pyrrich victory for the british and held great importance to the American soldiers as it served as proof that while inexperienced compared to the redcoats they had the ability to fight on the same level as arguably the greatest army in the world at the time. -
Virgina Declaration of Rights
The Virginia Declaration of Rights was a documenent drafted to proclaim the inherent rights of men. A centerpoint of it was the right to rebel against an "inadequate" government. The reason this document was so important is because it influenced some very important documents that came later. Including the United states Bill of rights. It was Authored by George Mason -
Kentucky Rifle
Video of Musket
The Kentucky musket was a huge game-changer in the war. In the deep woods, the British were moving very slow, and had no protection. The colonial hunters banded together, and shot the officers and important individuals, which was considered very bad at the time. The soldiers were able to do this due to the new technology of rifling in the barrels of rifles, which allowed shots to travel straighter and farther. -
French Declare Colonies own Soveriegn nation
On February 5, 1778 France recognized the USA as its own country. The treaty of Alliance in Paris was signed. This would be the first US treaty. This event was an important world event because this treaty led to all of the American-French collaboration during the Revolutionary War. It symbolized us being recognized as an independent nation for the first time by someone other then ourselves. Without signing this treaty it is very possible we wouldn't of gained the aid of France during the war. -
Baron von Steuben
Baron von Steuben was an ex-Prussian officer who knew a lot of military knowledge. When he heard about the Continental Army beig in need of an officer, he quickly signed up. Steuben was a huge turning point in the war, as he was the man who personally taught Washington's army how to fight and act like real soldiers. He gave them the skills and the discipline that they needed to fight the British and win the war. Steuben created a whole new system of training soldiers that is still used today. -
Washington's Army Leaves Valley Forge
Washington's Army leaving Valley forge was an important point because it symbolized a second life for the American Army. It had been a rough winter at Valley Forge and the americans had lost a lot fo men, but eventually the Americans were able to recover, fight off the illness, and train to be better soldiers, which played a large role in them winning a lot of the later battles. -
Ching-Thang Khomba named king of Manipuri
Ching-Thang-Khomba being named king of Manipuri was an important world event. His actions as king have been Mythologized by the people of Manipuri and he is credited with advancing the country and bringing it to a unified state. This event while not important to the Revolution going on in the west is a good example of a non American event during a short period in history that for the most part revolves around America fighting Britian for independence and the subsequent conseques of this fight. -
American Soldiers Begin using Bayonets
This was a large influence in the battles following the training of Steuben. The soldiers learned the proper use of bayonets and how to mount them. This was important because when using muskets, soldiers often did not have the chance to reload when enemy soldiers were charging. with bayonets, they had a good way to defend themselves, or attack the enemy when charging. This leveled the playing field even more between the British and Colonists. -
Beginning of fourth Anglo-Dutch War
This was a war between the English and the Dutch over the Dutch trading with the colonies during the Revolutionary War. For the most part the war consisted of the British attacking Dutch colonies. For the most part the British were succesful with their attacks. The importance of this world event was that it was another example of an outside country recognizing America as a viable country and working with them even though Britian dissaproved. (Battle of Dogger Bank pictured) -
Articles of Confederation Ratified
The Articles of Confederation was a document signed amongst the original 13 colonies and it served as the first constitution of the United States of America. IT was important because as the American Revolution was goin on, America was going through the process of becoming a real country and this document was an important stepping stone to the eventual constitution. -
Siege of Yorktown
The Siege of Yorktown is important because it was the last major Battle of the Revolutionary war. It lasted for a couple weeks and at its end resulted in the surrender of most of the British Army. The importance of this event goes beyond the surrender of the British Army, it marks the end of the British influence in America and the removal of British forces. It is also the climax of French-American comraderie as the two forces were jointly responsible for the British Surrender.