
The Report Card by Andrew Clements

  • Bad Grades

    On a normal Friday afternoon on the bus ride home from Philbrook Elementary Nora Rose Rowley shows Stephen Curtis her rotten report card, straight Ds and one C spelling.
    At home report card night is waiting for her at the dining table, Ann her older sister goes first with all A’s then Todd her older brother with A’s and B’s next is supposed to come Nora but she refuses to show her parents the grades so she had to "camp" at the table. At around 10 o'clock her father picks her up to her bed.
  • A Little Back Story

    Nora waiting at her bed is going down memory lane remembering the time she figured she was a true genius. The day Ann took out a puzzle to play with and was having trouble and then little baby Nora comes and find a few puzzle pieces’ place, Ann was so amazed that she called her mom to show her how much a genius Nora really is. Nora stopped in her tracks and just pretended nothing ever happened. That night she took out the puzzle again and finished the puzzle .Once she was done she put the piece
  • Woke Up OnThe wrong Side of The Bed

    While Nora was in bed her father took a peek at her report card and next morning “Why such bad grades” “You can do better ““This is disappointing”
  • Consequences

    Nora got so angry because she thought that grades don’t matter she had rebellion revolution throughout the CMT and made some of her friends get zeros on the test. All of her teachers got angry as well and had a meeting with her parents.
  • The Meeting That Will Change it All

    Plenty other meetings were involved in this situation, but the last meeting with the super identit was the big one. All was serious. Stephen and his parent were included in this meeting. This meeting just talks about how and why this is happening . At the end of the meeting Nora and Stephen and just explain the whole plan for the kids’ grades and are forgiven