Jan 2, 1284
The Glasses
Glasses were invented around 1284, and the inventor was named Salvino D’Armate he invented wearable eye glasses because there was already eye glasses but they were a nuisance because you had to hold them constantly. The reason why he invented them was because people needed glasses but couldn’t always hold the all the time ! -
Jan 1, 1300
The Clock
Clocks were invented in the early 1300’s, Benjamin Banneker invented the first clock that actually was working very good. The reason he invented the clock was because they couldn’t get an accurate time. -
Jan 4, 1300
The Gunpowder
No one really knows who invented Gunpowder but they can trace the invention back to ancient China in the 1300’s -
Jan 5, 1436
The Printing Press
The printing press was made in 1436 by Johannes Gutenberg, the reason why he invented it was because monks were the people who had written all the books and it took a long time so it was very expensive, but Gutenberg found a way where it was easer to make books and less time consuming! -
Jan 7, 1496
The Wallpaper
Wallpaper was invented in 1496 the inventor in unknown the reason he/she made wallpaper was to make the walls look nice -
The Lenses
Lenses, the first useable lenses was made in 1590 and they were made by Hans Lippershey, he invented it so they could see far away stuff better -
The Thermometer
Galileo Galilei invented the thermometer in 1593 and the reason was he wanted to know what the temperatures was -
The Submarine
The submarine was invented in 1620 by Cornelis Drebblel the reason why he invented the submarine was so he could explore beneath the water. -
The Toilet
Toilets that flush, were invented in 1775 by Sir John Harington, and I bet you know why he invented the toilet.. -
The Match
John Walker invented the match in 1827 because he wanted an easer way to start a fire