The Renaissance/Medieval Era (476 CE-1600)

  • 476

    The Fall of Rome

    Start of the Medieval Era.
  • Period: 476 to 1435

    Medieval Era

    Music during this time was either Cosmic or Divine.
  • Period: 715 to 731

    Pope Gregory

    He reorganized and cataloged chants during this time.
  • 800


    Start of the Romanesque Era.
  • Period: 850 to 1150

    Romanesque Era

  • Period: 991 to 1033

    Guido d'Arezzo

    Guido created the staff, but not the same one we use today. His staff had 4 lines instead of 5, with a red line indicating F and a yellow line indicating C.
  • 1000


    Plainchant melody with an added melody. Used a lot of parallel 4ths and 5ths because 3rds were considered evil.
  • Period: 1098 to 1179

    Hildegard von Bingen

    Hildegard was the abbess of the Rupertsberg convent in Germany, as well as the founder. She is well-known for her prophesies and revelations. Her music is not Gregorian Chant.
  • Period: 1150 to 1201


    He was the first polyphonic composer. He was affiliated with the School of Notre Dame.
  • Period: 1155 to 1207

    Raimbaut de Vaqueiras

    He served in the court in Montferrat. He wrote 35 poems, 7 of them with music.
  • Period: 1291 to 1361

    Philippe de Vitry

    The first composer of the Ars Nova.
  • Period: 1300 to 1350

    The Ars Nova

    Translates to "new art". Motets during this time contained rhythmic polyphony. Because the rhythms were complex, they weren't used for long, but were brought back in the 20th century.
  • Period: 1300 to 1377

    Guillaume de Machaut

    The most famous poet and composer during this time with more than 20 extant motets.
  • Period: 1325 to 1397

    Francesco Landini

    A blind composer, poet, theorist, and organist. He was the most famous Italian composer of the 14th century.
  • 1340

    The Bubonic Plague

    Killed over 75 million people.
  • Period: 1390 to 1453

    John Dunstable

    He was influential to the European musical style. His works weren't published until 1953.
  • Period: 1397 to 1474

    Guillaume Dufay

    The first Renaissance composer.
  • Period: 1430 to


    meaning "rebirth". Focus shifted from religion and God to nature and humans. Music started to have more than 4 parts. Acapella singing was very common.
  • Period: 1435 to 1511

    Johannes Tinctoris

    A theorist and composer who wrote the first musical term dictionary.
  • Period: 1450 to 1521

    Josquin des Prez

    He was the provost at Notre Dame in 1504. People tried to steal his music to make it their own because it was so popular.
  • Period: 1452 to 1519

    Leonardo da Vinci

    One of the most famous painters during the Renaissance. Honestly of all time.
  • Period: 1504 to 1511

    Ottaviano Petrucci

    Published 11 volumes of frottola between 1504 and 1511
  • Period: 1507 to 1568

    Jacques Arcadelt

    One of the earliest Italian Madrigal composers, composing over 250 Madrigals.
  • 1517

    The Reformation

    Led by Martin Luther.
  • Period: 1521 to

    Philipp de Monte

    Wrote 1073 Madrigals, which is the most written.
  • Period: 1525 to

    Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

    The most famous composer of the Renaissance. He continued using polyphony, against popular belief.
  • Period: 1542 to

    William Byrd

    He was a Roman Catholic who was harassed for his religion, due to the fact he lived in Protestant England.
  • Period: 1557 to

    Giovanni Gabrieli

    The leading late Renaissance composer of polychoral and instrumental ensemble music. He was the first to indicate dynamics and instruments in his music.
  • Period: 1564 to

    William Shakespeare

    One of the most famous poets and playwrights, ever. Early Baroque.
  • Period: 1567 to

    Claudio Montiverdi

    Wrote 9 Madrigal books and many operas during the Baroque Era.