Jan 1, 1410
Oil Paint
Jon van Eyck invented oil paint because it lasted longer than tempera paints. -
Jan 1, 1411
Johannes Spinctus invented the first piano but it didn't have that many keys as it does today . -
Jan 1, 1456
Printing Press
He printing press was invented by Gutenberg. So then people were able to read more and have books. -
Jan 1, 1496
The wallpaper we decorated with hand painted designs,stencils,and wood block prints. Only wealthy people could afford it. -
Jan 2, 1507
Pocket Watch
The Pocket Watch was invented by a locksmith and clock maker they was German named Peter Henlein. -
Jan 1, 1509
Three eyeglass makers were have credit to this invention. They were invented to see things really small and far away. -
Jan 1, 1565
The "Lead" pencil
The invention was influenced by the discovery of a large piece of graphite. -
Jan 1, 1578
Leonardo da Vinci invented a vehicle that moves underwater and is used for war. -
Flush Toilet
The flush toilet was first installed in a queens house,but some peek refused to use it so they just stood to using pots. -
When China founded gunpowder people started to find its uses and so they started to make anything that contains gunpowder.