Beginning of the First World War
Ending of the First World War
Treaty of Versailles
First meeting of The League of Nations
Death of Herr Bremann
Arrival of Miss Kenton and Mr Stevens father to Darligton Hall
The Conference / Death of Mr Stevens Senior
the Conference happens at Darlington Hall. Mr. Lewis calls Lord Darlington 'an amateur'. Mr. Stevens Senior pasts away -
Dissolution of the Hayes Society
Conference at Darligton Hall
Another conference is held at Darlington Hall.The Prime Minister, Ribbentop and other officials participate. -
Ms Kenton leaves Darligton Hall
She gets married with Mr benn -
Beginning of The Second World War
Dissolution of the Third Reich
End of the Second World War
Dissolution of the League of Nations
Death of Lord Darligton
Mr Stevens meets Miss Kenton
After 20 years, Mr stevens meets Miss Kenton again