Hitler becomes chanceller
In order to have majority in the Reichstag and have absolute power he called general elections on the 5th of March. -
Reichstag Fire
The Reichstag building burnt down and Van der Lubbe, a communist, was arrested as guilty. Hitler then claimed that this was a communist plot against the state and persuased the president Hinderburg to declare an emergency decree. He used this event to spread fear against the communist threat. The KPD was then banned.But until this day it is unknown if the nazi party was involved in the fire. -
General Election
The Nazi party gained 43.9% of the votes which was the highest level of support ever achieved in the Weimer republic but meant that Hitler still didn't have majority so they had to work with coalitions and therefore govern according the Reichstag -
Enabling Act
This law gave Hitler the power to enact laws without the involvement of the Reichstag for four years, signed at the Kroll Opera House where the legislators were surrounded and threatened by members of SA and SS, establishing a dictatorship. The law achieved the necessary two-thirds since, the Communist were banned and the only ones voting against were the socialists and other parties were convinced with promises such as the signing of the concordat.