Johst southcarolina

The Reconstruction Period in South Carolina

  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    Abraham Lincoln wrote The Emancipation Proclamation to free the slaves.
  • Period: to

    The Reconstruction Period in SC

    Reconstruction was the time after the Civil War when the United States government tried to help the southern states rebuild thier ecomony and government.
  • The Freedman's Bureau is started

    The Freedman's Bureau is started
    This was started after the Civil War to help poor people have waht they needed.
  • The Civil War is over. The Union won the Civil War.

  • The 13th Ammendment is added to the Constitution

    The 13th Ammendment freed the slaves. Here is a video about the 13th, 14th, and 15th Ammendments.
  • The Black Codes were started in southern states

    The Black Codes were rules that Back Americans were told to follow. The rules were not fair. Here is a video about the Black Codes,
  • The 14th Ammendment is added to the Constitution

  • Sharecropping becomes a farming parctice in South Carolina

    Sharecropping becomes a farming parctice in South Carolina
  • The 15th Ammendment is added to the Constitution

  • The end of Reconstruction

    The end of Reconstruction
    President Hayes ends the Reconstruction Period.