Freedmens's Bureau Bill
The bill was passed to set up schools for African Americans and poor whites living in the south. It also helped to find jobs and helped to provide food for them. -
Andrew johnson becomes Preisident of the United States
17th president of the United States of America -
End of the Civil War
The leader of the confederate army, Robert E.Lee, surrenders. -
Lincoln's Assassination
On April 14th John Wilkes Booth Shot President Lincoln in the back of the head. Booth shot Linchon while he was watching a play at Ford's Theatre. Booth broke his leg while he was jumping out a window. -
Thirteenth Amendment
On December 6th Congress passed the thirteenth amendment. It abolished slavery in the Inited States. Slavery was no longer allowed in the U.S. -
The (KKK) Ku Klux Kaln was founded
The first ku klux Klan was founded in Tennessee on Devember 24th. The Ku Klux Clan would Frighten African Americans and whites who supported blacks. They would attack them and sometimes even kill them. -
The Civil rights Act
The civil rights act of 1866 was passed on April 9th 1866. It gave equal rights to all citizens born in the United States. it also made sure that citizens could not be denied their rights because of their race, colour, or culture. -
Congress imposes Radical Reconstruction
Congress imposes Radical Reconstruction in 1866. The Republicaqns gained control of reconstruction. Theri paln was harser on the southern states and former Confederates than Lincoln's plan fir reconstruction. -
President Johnson is impeachment
On November 21st 1867 President Andrew Johnson was impeached by Congress. Congress impeached him because they wanted to remove him from office. Congress claimed that Johnson was being unconstruction. -
Fourteenth Amendment
On July 9th Congress passed the Fourteenth Amendment. The amendemt granted full citizenship to all those born within the U.S. area. It makes sure that the states cannot deprive anyone of the life, and liberty because of their race or culture. -
Ulysses S. Grant becomes president
Grant became president of the United States on March 4th 1869. He was a general in the Civil War and won most of the votes. He was president from 1869 to 1877 -
Fifteenth Amendment
On February 3rd Congress passed the fifteenth amendment. The amendment gave African Americans the right to vote. The South, however, mage it hard for the freed African Americans to vote -
Compromise of 1877
The Compromise of 1877 took place in 1877. It is also known as Corrupt Bargain. It ended the Radical Reconstruction.